Wednesday, 1 October 2014

The Classic Hollywood Narrative

The classic Hollywood narrative is made up of 6 different aspects:
- Cause & Effects
- Character driven resolving their problems based on their (motivation, desire, emotions)
- Opposition & Conflict (protagonist, antagonist)
- 3 act structure (equilibrium, distribution, resolution)
- Positive end/closure
- Believable 'realism' - genre

Justify to what extent V for Vendetta conforms to the Classic Hollywood Narrative?

V for vendetta conforms to the classic Hollywood narrative to some extent as 3 of the 6 rules apply; opposition & conflict however it isn't shown through colour, the 3 act scheme however it is complicated as V doesn't fully fit in within a stock character he jumps from bad to good and also the resolution is never resolved for example when a 'bad guy' dies the story doesn't end it carries on this happens a few times throughout and also it applies to a positive closure; it is positive because everyone is happy the public are out on the streets with v masks on to represent him however the not so positive side includes buildings being blown up and people dying. The 3 that it doesn't conform to are cause and effect which only applies to v in the film when he gets tested on (cause) and the effect to that is him killing people, blowing up Parliament ect, character driven resolving their problems again only slightly touched on when in the end v done everything to resolve his own personal problems and finally believable 'realism' this is slightly true as what is shown in the film can be seen as something that may or could happen in the future. 

As a whole I think that V for vendetta conforms to the classic Hollywood narrative; it is subverting the rules of this classic Hollywood narrative and they do this to ask questions of why? The structure of the narrative is to mirror what the film is saying.

Subversive: to undermine the power of the established system.

1 comment:

  1. A good analysis of the Narrative aspects based on class discussions and notes

    WT C
