Monday, 3 November 2014

Children of Men Messages

This scene conveys that children give people hope and something to live for-they would stop the violence if it means having the joy of family once more. Juxtaposition is shown between war and peace - peace being the baby. This scene is a long take shot this shows realism and gives a realistic answer to a problem that is being caused in our generation.

This scene shows that in the eyes of society in 2027, young people were seen as a miracle and idiolised as it is the only special thing that the world had left. Also, this also shows that the youngest child in the world who died symbolises the death of hope; hope is re-born again through Kee who is not wealthy and possibly an immigrant. Therefore, it challenges the governments ideas. Also, the child came from a humble beginning which is Christ-like


Children of Men: style, theme, genre

Lesson 2.1 Notes:

Children of Men: Why is the film important in terms of?....
- Life
- Peace 
- Re-Birth

Representation of gender:

- Theo is the fatherly figure to Kee and the baby.

Style (the way it is shot):

- Kee and the baby are always central and in shot.
- Realistic

MACRO: (narrative)

- Equilibrium (beginning): As things are, it sets the scene
- Distribution (middle)
- Resolution (climax - ending): Everything gets resolved - closure
*Children of men = open ended (Independent film)*

Independent films are challenging and makes you think, it doesn't give you the Classic Hollywood Narrative ending, it makes you interpretate and add your own ending.

If you take away children, women become redundant and everyone becomes masculine. The baby stops everyone and they all become maternal as they haven't seen a baby in 18 years. Men's hyper masculinity takes over. Children = hope.

Alfonso Cuarón:

Alfonso Cuarón is known for being the director, producer and screenwriter of Children of Men, Gravity, Harry Potter as well as many other films. He uses point of view throughout his films and compared his films to his ex wives: Grateful, wishes them well, but has no desire to go back and visit. He is also from Mexico which can have an affect on the type of films he makes for example conflict and immigration.

The difference in the meaning of war between Children of Men & V for Vendetta:
V for vendetta war = v (freedom fighter/terrorist) v's government (good/fascist) 
Children of men war = freedom fighters v's war 
V for vendetta war is a necessary way to get to the end of the film in children of men war is in the back 
Children of men war = war & peace (the baby causes peace) 
Baby ends human conflict - religious theme baby is a savior as it represents peace 
In children of men war is a bad things it's the backdrop whereas in children of men war is the main theme and in v for vendetta war is a resolution. 

Independent films - intellectual people, people who want a challenge

Hollywood films - people who want entertainment
Children of Men doesn't fit into a genre as it doesn't follow the genre conventions of the classic Hollywood narrative.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

V for Vendetta and Children of Men comparative essay: Style and Themes

V for Vendetta (2009) a Hollywood movie production and Children of Men (2006) an independent movie production although are different both have the same or very similar themes and style shown throughout. They both follow the same 2 themes dystopia and totalitarianism and are both set within the near future to send out messages to the viewers of what may happen in the future – a warning sign.

V for Vendetta a political thriller set in Great Britain 2020 and Children of Men a science fiction action thriller set also in Great Britain of the year 2027 are both set in a dystopian near future.

V for Vendetta is a film based around terrorism, the government and freedom. V himself is a freedom fighter fighting for the nation’s freedom (so the public think) but really it’s for his own freedom as much as any other person living within London. The reason as to why it is set within a dystopian near future is to give out important messages/warning signs to us the current residents of the UK to tell us what could happen within our own future. It also shows a non-desirable future due to it being over rules by the government, technology is more powerful – speakers in the streets, there is a big divide between rich and poor and the city is also very dark and lifeless global warming and over population has come to a head.

Children of Men is a film based around Great Britain being the last functional government, women being infertile and immigration is much stronger and at police reinforcements to stop illegal immigrants entering the UK trying to flee the chaos and war in their own countries and coming over to the UK where it is safe and the last functional government. The film also sends out messages and warning signs as to what could happen in the future. Illegal immigrants are already at a high in the UK so for this film to be made having an aspect based around illegal immigrants and for it to be shown is a high security violent manor is a scare of what may happen to us in the future. Again, its dystopian future therefore we don’t have a desire to live the way it is shown, the whole world is practically at war, the city is lifeless and dull, no longer a pleasant place to live. Children of Man also touch on an aspect of terrorism – another link to V for Vendetta – it’s a film with a warning to change now otherwise things may happen.

Totalitarianism is another theme shown within both films. In V for Vendetta totalitarianism is a big aspect as the film is primarily based around the government and fighting for the freedom away from the government. The government disagrees with many things/people for example homosexuals, disabled, different religions ect if you are anything that the government disagrees with you will be taken and tortured and this is one aspect of which V himself as well as the public once they are behind V want to end.  Children of Men also express aspects of totalitarianism but not as highly as V for Vendetta; totalitarianism is again shown through the government but this time it’s based around illegal immigrants trying to get into the last functional government: the United Kingdom.

Terrorism is another theme that both films touch on V for Vendetta more so due to the main character V being a terrorist and for torturing Evey in a fake concentration camp that V had made to torture Evey to give her strength and to make her fearless. In Children of Men you also have terrorists shown slightly throughout but mostly towards the end in the 'war' atmosphere scene. This is a link between both films which show violence and the fight for survival and freedom.

Birth could also be seen as a theme within both films. Children of Men: Women within Great Britain are infertile however Kee is the only woman who is able to have a baby; so the story takes us through the journey of getting Kee to safety and the birth of her baby – the first child to be born in 18 years. V for Vendetta: Shows the re-birth of Evey after coming out of the concentration camp as a new fearless woman who is no longer vulnerable. V is also shown to be re-born in the scene showing himself coming out of the fire showing V’s identity coming to life.

Overall, V for Vendetta and Children of Men although at first glimpse may look and seem completely different they have certain aspects which are either the same, give off the same message or link to each other in a specific way. The themes and styles that link throughout the 2 films are dystopia: they are both set within a dystopian near future which is not a desirable place to be, totalitarianism: both films show government overtaking the country, they are the leaders, terrorism: terrorism is shown throughout but both in a slightly different way but they both show power and leadership and finally birth: the theme of birth is shown within both films fro, real birth to being re-birthed but they are both bringing a new leaf of light into the world. Both films also send out messages and warning signs as to what could happen int he future if we don't take action, they are both films that show and represent realism.